It has been suggested that teachers use their voices for anywhere between 60% and 75% of their workday. The strain on the voice gets worse when the teacher has to talk louder to overcome poor class-room acoustics.
Studies have shown that teachers are 32 times more likely to have voice problems compared to other comparable occupations.

Altering classroom acoustics can not only help reduce distractions for the students, but can also help reduce teacher vocal abuse. 

* Place some rugs or carpet in the room if there none.
*Hang window treatments such as curtains or blinds.
*Hang soft materials such as felt or cork board on the walls.
*Place tables at an angle around the room to interfere with the pathways of sound.
*Hang soft materials such as flags or student artwork around the room and from the ceiling.
*Turn off noisy equipment when it is not in use.
*Try to keep windows and doors closed when possible.
* Replace noisy light fixtures
* Avoid open classrooms where many classes are taught in a large space.

For More Information and tips,  please contact us.