Speech Pathology Services and Educational Consultation

Phonological Development

May 30, 2013
Phonological development stages
  • Early perception of speech sounds (1-4 months) Babbling shades into early speech, next toddlers produce those sounds they babbled. Babbling is dominated by stops, nasals, and glides, with a few of fricatives and affricatives and no liquids. Children take a few years to learn to articulate correctly the phonemes, with better performance on vowels than consonants.
  • Babbling (6-15 months) By imitation, repetition, and practice, children learn to approximate their pronunciation of sound sequences to that of adults.
  • Learning to produce phonemes (1-2 years) Children simplify complex syllable structures by dropping the final consonant in CVC: boot -> /bu/, ball -> /bɔ/, one consonant in a cluster: drum -> /dʌm, an unstressed syllable: ba’nana /nɑnɑ/, gi’raffe -> /rɑf/, the final syllable while repeating the initial consonant/vowel syllable: water /wɑwɑ/ 
  • Learning to produce sound sequences (1-2 years)  Children also substitute sounds – an easy, consonant for a difficult one. (For example: stops for fricatives, that for /dæt/,  zglides for liquids, little ->/wɪto/ {Children may mispronounce sounds that they can correctly hear and identify.
  • Sensitivity to phonotactics (3-4 years)

Speech and Language Milestones

May 30, 2013
Link: http://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/communicationdevelopment.htm
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Teacher Voice Preservation

May 30, 2013
It has been suggested that teachers use their voices for anywhere between 60% and 75% of their workday. The strain on the voice gets worse when the teacher has to talk louder to overcome poor class-room acoustics.
Studies have shown that teachers are 32 times more likely to have voice problems compared to other comparable occupations.

Altering classroom acoustics can not only help reduce distractions for the students, but can also help reduce teacher vocal abuse. 

* Place some rugs or carpet in ...

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Language Delay Vs. Disorder

May 30, 2013
Link:  http://www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/lateblooming.htm
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Accent Modification

May 30, 2013
Link:  http://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/accent_mod.htm
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Literacy Components

May 30, 2013
Link: http://www.learner.org/libraries/readingk2/front/components.html
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Emergent Literacy

May 30, 2013
Link:  http://www.asha.org/public/speech/emergent-literacy.htm

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Is My Child Speech Delayed?

May 30, 2013
link: http://www.talkingchild.com/speechchart.aspx
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Social Communication Strategies

May 30, 2013
Social Skills Strategies

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About Kelly Ott

Kelly Ott With 24 years experience as a licensed Speech Language Pathologist, consultant, educator and administrator, Kelly has served children and adults with a diverse range of speech, language, swallowing, learning, and communication needs. She has provided direct speech pathology services, specialized instructional services, educator professional development training, business communication, and presentation training. Kelly is dedicated to providing students, educators, and small businesses with specialized strategies for achievement.

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